
“Dan Gillies consistently elevates our YMM Digital Art Exhibit launches with his jazz guitar playing. His talents add to the overall experience because he sets the perfect tone and vibe. What I love most about working with Dan is that I can tell him a theme for the event, and he will come with a curated selection of songs that align seamlessly with the featured exhibit. Dan’s passion for music and dedication to the arts community truly make him an invaluable part of our events!”

Dawn Booth, YMM Digital Art Exhibit Curator, Fort McMurray Airport Authority

Dan Gillies is a talented musician and producer who is able to execute a creative vision while maintaining the highest level of professional standards. He is truly a champion for the arts in our region and is dedicated to supporting and cultivating the next generation of musicians. Dan is a strong ambassador for the strength and vibrancy of the Wood Buffalo arts community.

Constance Scarlett, Former Executive Director, Arts Council Wood Buffalo

Dan Gillies is a rare breed who is mak­ing a liv­ing through his music…IN FORT MCMURRAY! He has the skills and con­nec­tions to go almost any­where and be suc­cess­ful, but he has cho­sen to put down roots in Wood Buf­falo and raise his fam­ily here. In many ways, he is break­ing new ground, craft­ing a viable liv­ing as an artist effec­tively mix­ing song­writ­ing, per­form­ing and teach­ing. In my ideal future for Fort McMur­ray, I see artists of all dis­ci­plines fol­low­ing in Dan’s pro­gres­sive and coura­geous foot­steps. A tal­ented musi­cian, a con­sum­mate pro­fes­sional, and a great human being, Daniel Gillies is a class act who makes me feel incred­i­bly opti­mistic about our artis­tic future as a com­mu­nity and region.

Rus­sell Thomas, Former Direc­tor Of Com­mu­ni­ca­tions and Com­mu­nity Impact, United Way of Fort McMurray



Turning the Page // Dan Gillies
  1. Turning the Page // Dan Gillies
  2. Horse Chase // Dan Gillies
  3. In the Mood For Modal // Dan Gillies
  4. The Voyage // Dan Gillies
  5. How Deep the Father’s Love For Us // Dan Gillies
  6. Heather’s Song // Dan Gillies
  7. Turning the Page (Reprise) // Dan Gillies